The World I Sail

Blog mainly about the "the world i sail" or the world I live on. Blog about my life experiences.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Arrr, whar is my Rum Gar? Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Pois é! Existem com cada maluco no mundo (e o pior é que eu sou um deles por adorar esta ideia)

Vejam lá o que eu descobri! O dia "Talk Like a Pirate".
Pois é, como o nome indica, trata-se de um dia em que todas as nossas conversas têm que ser à moda dos Piratas. Este mitico dia acontece no dia 19 de Setembro, no mesmo dia de anos do meu irmão (coincidência?!?!?).

Se não acreditam em mim! Vejam o link:

Para o ano eu vou aderir, por isso não vão se preparando se eu começar a pedir Rum e a gritar "Arrr, Rum, Gar."

Como diria um famoso jornalista: E esta hein?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

SalsarTour - Porto

No último fim-de-semana ocorreu a invasão à cidade do Porto por um grupo de Lisboetas (mas não só). Esta força invasora entrou no Porto ao fim da noite de sexta dia 23 de Setembro tendo tomado conta dos bares/discotecas de ritmos Latinos/Africanos da cidade. Sabe-se que este grupo esteve na cidade até domingo à tarde

O grupo para além de ter sido visto durante as tardes a participar em infindáveis e espectaculares workshops de dança também passaram imenso tempo no "combivio".

Um membro do grupo foi entrevistado tendo comentado a sua invasão ao Porto do seguinte modo: "Epá, o pessoal veio para aqui para se divertir um pouco,conhecer a cidade (nota do reporter: aqui deve-se ler os bares). Foi uma semana espectacular e agora que conquistámos esta cidade pretendemos ir mais longe... estamos a planear o próximo "ataque".".

Com estas noticias todas as cidades estão em alerta máximo pois nunca se sabe onde os "Salseros" podem atacar a seguir.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Hoje é um dia especial pois celebra-se o 28º aniversário do meu mano mais velho (e quase trintão, hehehe).

Espero que tenhas um óptimo dia hoje, que todos os teus sonhos se concretizem e a tua vida seja o que sempre desejaste.

Beijos do irmão que te adora.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Let´s dance

The music fills the room... and the dance starts.
Our hips and legs start to move at the rhythm of the music... the communication has started.
Because dancing is "talking" with our bodies. When we dance we express our feeling by the way our bodies move together and the way we look at each other. When "talking" all that takes is a subtle movement in our bodies to transmit the next move. Everything is natural.
Trough dancing we create the feeling of respect towards our partner, as it is always necessary a good communication between the two dancers. The way we "talk" together will define the dancing we do.
This is what I have learnt in the few months I have been in dance classes...

So, I invite everyone to enter this world and experience this by yourselfs. Let's Dance.

Many thanks to Mogli that I love to dance with, that introduced me to the world of dancing.

This is a photo of my Salsa teachers, Debora and João. Many thanks to them for their patience with me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A tribute to Bartolomeu Dias

This is a small tribute to one of the greatest Portuguese Sailors: Bartolomeu Dias

Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to discover and sail around the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

The Story:

In 1486 the Portuguese King D. João II assigned Dias, a member of the royal court, to command a voyage with both spiritual and material aspirations: Dias was to search for the lands of Prester John (a legendary Christian priest and African king). The second goal was to search for a sea passage to the Indies and therefore, challenge the Muslim dominance of trade with Asia. To Bartolomeu Dias were given 3 ships: 2 caravels and a suply ship.

The expedition sailed off from Lisbon on August 1487. During this expedition Bartolomeu Dias manages to round the continent of Africa and thereby indicating the existence of a sea passage to the Indies.
History says that he lost sight of the south African coast driven by a violent storm, which lasted thirteen days, that took him far beyond the cape to the south. When calm weather returned he sailed again in an easterly direction and, when no land appeared, turned northward, landing in the "Baia de S. Brás" (Mossel Bay) on February 3 1488. Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope then Cape Agulhas, the southernmost point of Africa, in 1488 without knowing it. It was only on his return voyage that he discovered the Cape of Good Hope in May 1488.

He originally named the Cape of Good Hope the "Cape of Storms" (Cabo das Tormentas). It was later renamed by John II as the Cape of Good Hope (Cabo da Boa Esperança) because of the opening of a route to the east. The discovery of the passage around Africa was significant because for the first time Europeans could trade directly with India and Asia bypassing Middle East overland routes and middle men.

Dias returned to Lisbon in December 1488 after an absence of sixteen months and seventeen days. He explored a total of about 2,030 km of unknown African coast.

Bartolomeu Dias died in 1500 during a storm when his ship wrecked near the Cape of Good Hope, the same cape he had discovered and rounded 12 years before.

Friday, September 08, 2006

One month to go...

... before I start my sailing lessons.

I post now a picture of the boat I will sail during the next two months. It is a Elan 295 yatch.

More news soon.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The wind blows, The sail goes down and everything begins...

Hello to all.

This is my first post here so let me introduce myself and explain why I am here.

So let's start from the begining. Ever since I can remember I had a dream of sailing around the world. As a boy I would daydream about the adventures of the great Portuguese sailors and their discoveries, and also, the adventures of the pirates that passed on the TV. During the years that followed this dream acompanied me but I never learned to sail.

So here I am, I want to fufill my dream of sailling and owing a boat and maybe one day to navigate trough all Oceans around the world. Let's see. But one step at a time. I have enrolled in a class to learn sailing in a cruiser. I will start my classes in Octouber this year. This will be my first sailing experience and I hope to learn the basics of the sailling.

After learning the basics lets see what happens. For now I am happy that I gave the fisrt tiny step into sailing.
